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What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Please bring your photo I.D, insurance card(s), and medication list if you have one.
Why do I have to update paperwork when nothing has changed?
We are required by insurance to update all information and obtain signatures yearly.
Do you take Medicaid or Marketplace insurances?
No, we do not take Medicaid or Marketplace insurances.
Do you talk walk-ins?
No, we do not take walk-ins.
What should I expect after a PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) treatment?
Scaling, a sunburn-like sensation, peeling, redness that can last anywhere from a couple
days to over a week (symptoms may vary in length and severity).
What should I expect the wound to look like after a biopsy?
Typically, the wound will have redness around the border of the site and a yellow-ish or
white center. The wound can be soft and tender to the touch.
What should I expect the wound to look like after liquid nitrogen?
A blister should form and you may pop the blister if needed. Eventually, it will turn into a
What should I expect the wound to look like after an EDNC?
Much like a biopsy site, the wound will have redness around the border and a yellow-ish or
white center. The wound can be soft and tender to the touch.
How do I take care of the site after a biopsy or surgery?
You may clean with a water and vinegar solution and then cover with Vaseline.
What should I expect after using a chemo cream (Efudex, etc)?
The skin will be red and raw, tender, and possibly have open sores (reaction can vary from
mild to severe).
Can I take a shower after a biopsy or surgery
After a biopsy, yes. After surgery, the bandage needs to stay on for 24 hours…so avoid
getting the area wet for at least 24 hours.
My insurance company is requiring a prior authorization for my medication. How long
will that take?
This usually depends on the insurance company; it can take as little as 24 hours or up to a
How do I get prescription refills?
First, contact your pharmacy to send a refill request (if they say you do not have any refills
left, ask them to send a request). Please DO NOT contact the after-hours emergency line for
a refill request.
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